by Kaytee

Disclaimer:  Come on.  I own it all, didn’t you know?  Look out world.

Author’s Note:  This story is told in the first person from three different point of views:  Joey, Pacey, and Dawson’s.  Each of the eighteen parts will be headed by the speaking character’s name, just so you’re clear.  Lyrics included are from Sarah McLachlan’s “Possession.”

Another Author’s Note Because I Can:  This is dedicated to and for and because of Bijal.  She rocks in so many ways and I’m glad I know her.  Thanks for waiting oh so patiently for this, B, and dealing with my Oh My Gods.  :P

Rating:  P/J NC-17 (sex and violence)

Feedback:  Please!  kaytee@dstream.net

Part Eleven

my body aches to breathe your breath
you words keep me alive

The look on her face, I’ll never forget it.  She never expected it, and I’m extremely proud of myself for being able to keep this from her for months and not even hinting at it.  The bracelet looks beautiful on her wrist, and I know from the look in her teary eyes that I’m rarely going to see her wrist bare.

“I want to go back to your house,” she says, and I release her from the hug only far enough to see her face. 

I’m surprised.  “Aren’t you having fun?  I mean, we were cutting a decent amount of rug in there, you and I.”

She sniffles again and I bring my hands to her face to brush away the lingering tears with my thumbs.  “Yes, I’m having fun.  All of our friends are here, and it’s a great party.  Really, I’ve been enjoying it.”

“But . . . ?” I prod her gently. 

“But I want to be alone with you,” she admits with a sweet, eager smile.  “I want to give you your gift.”

“Bessie and Bodie don’t expect you back home until the wee hours of the morning, if at all, honey,” I remind her gently, not strong enough to resist the urge to kiss the tip of her nose as her eyebrows knit.  She’s about to pout again and if she does, she’ll get her way.  “Why don’t we go dance a little while longer?  I’m not quite through showing you off.”

That wins me a giggle, and I chuckle in response.  Shaking her head, she says, “I can’t believe I’m wearing this dress.”

“I can’t believe Bodie let you out wearing it,” I say.  “Isn’t he worried that a dress that scandalous might encourage impure thoughts in young men such as myself?”

“No, see, it’s white,” she points out, her smile gaining an impish quality.  “Virginal and pure, don’t you think?”

“Oh, yes.  The knowledge that you’re wearing nothing underneath it doesn’t take anything away from your whole “pure” theory,” I tease her.  “And I’d even buy the “virginal” part, if not for the fact that you made us fashionably late in your desire to come twice.” 

She rolls her eyes and releases an exasperated breath, but not without a reluctant grin.  If she wasn’t already flushed from the cold, I know without a doubt she’d be blushing. 

It’s got to be just a touch too drafty out here for her, even wrapped up in my jacket.  “C’mon, Potter.  Let’s go back inside.”

“Thirty minutes,” she says.  “An hour, tops.”

“Forty-five minutes, and then we’ll head back to my house where you’ll be free to have your wanton way with me,” I tell her, sliding my arm around her shoulder as we head back across the patio to the French doors.  “I mean, to give me your present.  That’s it.”

Her response is almost inaudible, lost beneath the suddenly loud, chaotic noises from the party as I open the door for her.  “Not both?”

Ordinarily, I’d be the first to suggest ditching the party.  At the very least, agreeing to leave after only the half hour or so we’ve been here.  But we’re here, we’re dressed up, and we’re enjoying ourselves.  Besides, she’s forgotten the dance she promised Jack.

Once inside, she shuts the door behind us and slips out of my jacket, offering it back to me.  I put it on and disregard the fact that now we both smell like Vanilla Fields, leading her back onto the crowded dance floor.

We move together naturally as we dance, and I’d love to see that snotty dance instructor see us now.  Okay, so maybe she wasn’t snotty, and maybe she was right on the money in her predictions.  But still. 

Her wrists are linked behind my head and my hands rest against the returning warmth of her bare back, and she smiles up at me dazzlingly as we move as gracefully as we can around the dance floor.  She’s so beautiful that it’s nearly overwhelming.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” she smiles nervously, growing embarrassed after a few prolonged moments of gazing silently at her.  “Did I smear my makeup?”

“No,” I reassure her.  “Forgive me for staring, Potter.  I just can’t get over how well you clean up.”

Usually shy and dismissive when complimented, she brightens at the extreme understatement.  “You don’t look half-bad yourself, Pace.”

“Why, thank you,” I say ever so suavely, lifting my nose loftily in the air.

She laughs, rubbing the fuzz of my hair as she brings my head down to kiss me.  Just when we’re about to make a spectacle of ourselves, however, we’re unfortunately interrupted.


It takes Jen an extra clearing of her throat to get us to part.  When we do, Joey immediately thrusts out her wrist proudly.  “Look what Pacey gave me for Christmas!”

Jen smiles, her eyes lighting up as she examines the bracelet. “This is beautiful!”

“I know!  And look at the charm.”

Carefully examining the sailboat charm, Jen laughs.  “That’s so cute!  Awwwww.  And look, Joey:  lots of room to put new ones on.”

I have to laugh at Jen’s subtlety.  “You catch on quick, Lindley, for a bottle blonde.  All that peroxide has to leave some sort of permanent damage.”

“Hey!  Leave me and my dark roots alone,” she snaps back, releasing Joey’s wrist.  Smiling at her, she asks, “So what did you get Pacey?”

“Actually, I got him two things.  One’s not appropriate to give him in such a public arena -”

“Gotta love those “private moment” presents,” Jen interrupts with a smirk.

“-and the other isn’t nearly special enough to give him tonight,” she finishes, bypassing Jen’s innuendo.  “It’s a gag gift.  I brought both along to give to him later.”

“Why don’t you go get the gag gift?” Jen asks her.  “I’ll beat the women off for you.”

Jen wants to talk to me, and that’s apparent to both of us.  Joey glances at me and I nod, slipping off my jacket to lend her again.

“I’ll be right back,” she says, kissing me quickly.  To Jen, she says, “Watch out for your toes.”

“I’ll remember that,” she calls after Joey as she heads through the crowd toward the French doors.

“So what is it you want to talk to me about?” I ask her without preamble as we begin to dance to the next song.

“Remember this morning when you asked me what was wrong?  And I said nothing?”

I nod, trying to lead us without stepping on her feet.  It’s been a long time since I’ve danced with anyone who isn’t Joey.  “Yes, I remember you lying.”

“Um, okay, this isn’t my business.  And you’d think I’d have learned all about the dangers of sharing other people’s secrets after last spring’s fiasco, wouldn’t you?” she begins nervously.

“Jen, just say it, would you?  I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I tell her gently, bewildered.  Who’s secret? 

She takes a deep breath and looks up at me.  “Dawson went back for his coat last night.”

“Where did he leave it?” I ask, not following along.  So what?

“Joey’s bedroom.”

I’m about to voice the So what? but her expression stops me.  Joey’s bedroom . . . oh shit.

“Yeah,” she nods, agreeing with what must be written all over my face. 

“So he . . .”

“Saw the two of you having sex,” Jen supplies.  “And he’s not taking it well, Pacey.”

“No shit,” I bite out.  Today’s confrontation in the jewelry store is suddenly a lot more meaningful.  Man, what did he do?  Stand there and watch us?

“I’m telling you this, and jeopardizing my friendship with Dawson, because I don’t think I’ve ever seen him as upset as he was last night,” she continues, biting her lip.  “Sitting in his SUV with him, I listened as he went on and on about how Joey’s supposed to be his and that he’s merely been waiting for her to realize that.”

“Tell me something I don’t know already, Jen,” I snap at her, immediately regretting the harshness when she flinches.  “I’m sorry.  But why are you telling me this?”

She sighs, frustrated.  “I was dancing with him when he saw you dip Joey and kiss her, and he went out onto the patio.  He’s been there for at least the last twenty minutes, unless he’s left.  He‘s not dealing very well with the knowledge that Joey‘s intimate with you.”

I thought I’d heard someone cough while Joey and I were out there, but I didn’t see anyone. Damn it!  “Thank you for telling me, Jen.”

“Just keep an eye out for him, okay?”

Over her shoulder, I look toward the French doors Joey left through.  I’m about to return my attention back to Jen when the unmistakable figure of Dawson passes in front of the doors, striding across the patio.

Heading for the parking lot.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18

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